Clore Shalom School
Welcome to our Governors' section.
Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.
We have also provided a Register of Governor Interests and an Annual Statement of Issues for your information.
Clore Shalom School Governing Body
The purpose of the Clore Shalom School Governing Body is to:
- set the strategic direction of the school
- hold the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school
- ensure financial health, probity and value for money
This is achieved through:
- help the school to set high standards by planning for the school’s future and setting targets for school improvement
- keep focussed on excelling in school improvement
- be a critical friend to the school, offering support and advice
- help the school respond to the needs of parents and the community
- make the school accountable to the public for what it does
- work with the school on planning, developing policies and keeping the school under review
- exercise its responsibilities and powers in partnership with the Headteacher and staff
- not intervene in the day-to-day management of the school unless there are weaknesses in the school, when it then has a duty to take action.
The Governing Body consists of:
- The Headteacher
- One staff governor – elected by the staff
- Two parent governors – who are elected by parents
- One local authority governor – appointed by the County Council
- One co-opted governor – appointed by the governing body
- Eight foundation governors - appointed by the school's trustees
Governors are generally appointed for a two year term, this includes the Staff Governor. The Chairs and Vice Chair are appointed at the beginning of each academic year. The Full Governing Body meets five times per academic year as do the Resources Committee and the Curriculum Committee.
Co-opted Governors are appointed by the Governing Body, on the basis of a regular skills audit, because they have the skills required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school.
Purpose of the Finance Committee
The purpose of the Finance Committee is to:
- oversee, challenge and support the school in respect of its Financial, Personnel and Premises obligations and activities.
- to work with the Senior Leadership Team to ensure full accountability for the financial wellbeing of the school, the development of staff, the safety of children and achievement of the school’s medium term plan.
- oversee, challenge and support the school in respect of its Financial, Personnel and Premises obligations and activities and Health and Safety.
Purpose of the Curriculum Committee
The purpose of the Curriculum and Safeguarding Committee is to:
- advise the Governing Body on the school’s curriculum policy and its statutory obligations regarding the curriculum
- with the assistance of staff, to monitor and evaluate the delivery of the curriculum, specifically the impact of actions taken to implement the SDP.
- to review, approve and monitor the implementation of policies for curriculum areas, special educational needs, collective worship, race equality and pupil behaviour/discipline.
- to ensure that the needs of pupils with special educational needs are met.
- in conjunction with the Head Teacher, to agree statutory targets for pupil attainment.
- at least annually, to receive a report from the Headteacher on the quality of teaching and the standards of pupil achievement, and to identify any necessary governing body actions.
- after consultation with the Headteacher and staff, to identify priorities for the School Development/Improvement Plan and to consider the draft plan for discussion and approval by the governing body.
- to monitor, at least once a term, progress in implementing the School Development/Improvement Plan.
- Governors are required to question and monitor matters of pupil safety and safeguarding procedures within the school.
Katie Adams Foundation Governor | Katie has been a Governor at Clore Shalom School since January 2011, initially as a Parent Governor and now as a Foundation Governor. She sits on the Curriculum and Safeguarding Committee. Katie is also the named Safeguarding Governor, which involves ensuring all policies and procedures around safeguarding are current and carrying out audits with the member of staff responsible for safeguarding to ensure that this very important area meets all statutory requirements. In addition to the above, she is also the Safer Recruitment Governor so ensure that the recruitment process is fair and safe at all times. Katie has worked as a Probation Officer and is currently a Community Outreach Worker for the local community equipping her with the skills to Govern well. She attends regular governor training sessions to ensure our practices are up-to-date and relevant. Katie is also an ex-parent of the school - her 3 children attended Clore Shalom from 2004 until 2016.
Classification: Foundation Governor Term of office: January 2022 to January 2026 Areas of interest: Member of the Curriculum and Safeguarding Committee Pecuniary interests: None |
Liz Auerbach Parent Governor | Liz has over 15 years of experience working in HR Management and People Leadership. Liz has worked across various sectors and within both large and small organisations. During more recent years, Liz’s focus has become increasingly strategic, being involved in organisational development & planning, hiring, performance management, budget & stakeholder management, people development and change management. Liz is mother to two boys, one of whom has additional needs. This has led to a particular interest in better understanding the needs of SEN pupils and the importance of inclusivity throughout schools.
Classification: Parent Governor Term of office: November 2022 to November 2026 Areas of interest: SEN Pecuniary interests: none |
Simon Barr Foundation & Safeguarding Governor | Simon has been teaching for 27 years and is currently Deputy Headteacher at a large four-form entry primary school in Wembley. During his time in education he has held a variety of senior roles (including Acting Head on three occasions) and has lectured in Education at the University of Hertfordshire. Simon has 10 years’ experience of sitting on Governing Bodies and various committees (including Personnel and Curriculum) which has given him an in-depth understanding of the vital role the Governing Body plays in the running of schools. Simon is enjoys being a Governor at Clore Shalom, and being able to make a vital contribution to the school.
Classification: Foundation & Safeguarding Governor Term of office: March 2024 to March 2028 Areas of interest: Chair of the Curriculum and Safeguarding Committee Pecuniary interests: Deputy Headteacher of Wembley Primary School |
Beth Bean Staff Governor | Beth has worked at Clore Shalom for the past 5 years. She started as a teaching assistant and now is our school administrator. Beth has two girls at the school in Years 1 & 3. She lives in Shenley and loves getting involved with the local community.
Classification: Staff Governor Term of office: September 2021 to September 2025 |
Jack Bispham Parent Governor | Jack has worked in the property industry for over 19 years specialising in asset and property management. His wealth of experience with ongoing property maintenance, project management and general business bring a depth of knowledge in helping the Finance and Resources committee drive value for money and other general efficiencies. Jack was previously the PTA Treasurer for 6 years making a significant contribution to their fundraising activities and achievements. Further Jack has been a regular volunteer and contributor to school and school event security. Whilst both Jack's children attended Clore Shalom School they have now moved onto Senior School.
Classification: Parent Governor Term of office: January 2022 to January 2026 Areas of interest: Member of the Finance & Resources Committee Pecuniary interests: none |
Gemma Blaker Headteacher | Gemma completed her teacher training in 1998 and has worked in secondary and primary schools ever since, teaching from Year 13 to Year 1. Originally a secondary English teacher, she specialised in SEND and was a Head of Inclusion for many years. Gemma was curriculum lead in her last school and has a passion for all things related to teaching and learning. Gemma came to Clore as Headteacher in September 2023.
Classification: Headteacher |
Ian Brookman Foundation Governor | Ian is a teacher with over 20 years experience in secondary education. Currently Assistant Headteacher at a secondary school in Camden where responsibilities include data, assessment and enrichment. He is deputy designated safeguarding lead and oversees provision for LAC and PLAC students. Prior to his current role he was Head of the Creative Arts faculty at a large Jewish secondary school. Still active as a performer Ian conducts various orchestras and ensembles including the Barnet Band and Camden Youth Orchestra.
Classification: Foundation Governor Pecuniary interests: none |
Carly Garfen
| |
Sophie Goldsmith Deputy Headteacher | Sophie has worked at Clore Shalom since 2018, as a class teacher, Assistant Head, Acting Headteacher and now Deputy Headteacher. Sophie is passionate about providing the most effective learning experience for children at Clore Shalom and has had considerable impact in developing the curriculum.
Classification: Deputy Headteacher Areas of interest: Member of the Finance & Resources Committee, Member of Curriculum and Safeguarding Committee Pecuniary interests: none |
Natasha Hamilton Local Authority Governor
| Natasha is a qualified solicitor with over 10 years of strong disputes and regulatory work experience working in private practice and for the last 6 years as a civil servant in Ofgem. She is publicly and commercially minded with a focus on delivering by being flexible, adaptable and solutions-based. In addition, Natasha has spent the last decade running a small cancer charity Cure Cancer @UCL so brings to the role a range of transferable skills and desire to help.
Classification: Local Authority Governor Area of interest: Health and Safety Term of office: May 2024 to May 2028 Pecuniary interests: |
Ben Konopinski Vice Chair of Governing Board | Ben Konopinski has worked in the IT Industry for over 18 years during which he ran a company and then started his own business in 2012. Ben is able to bring his skills of managing budgets, business management and health & safety to the Governing Body. Ben is also active in fundraising and utilising contacts made throughout his personal and business life. Ben lives locally with one of his children still attending Clore Shalom, so has a very keen interest in making sure the future of the school is one to be proud of. Ben is currently the Vice-Chair of the Governing Board and Chair of the Finances Committee.
Classification: Vice Chair of Governing Board Term of office: January 2022 to January 2026 Areas of interest: Member of Finance and Resources Committee, Vice Chair of the Governing Board Pecuniary interests: none |
Carly Lax Foundation Governor | Carly Lax has been a teacher since 2003 and has worked at Clore Shalom since 2011. Prior to working at Clore Shalom, she worked in different settings including spending many years at an inner London Catholic School and a private school, gaining a wealth of experience. Since working at Clore Shalom, she has undertaken many roles including Class Teacher, SENCo, Curriculum Leader, Phase Leader and now Assistant Head for Inclusion.
Classification: Foundation Governor Term of office: October 2021 to October 2025 Areas of interest: Member of the Curriculum and Safeguarding Committee Pecuniary interests: occasional work for The Dance & Party People /Showstoppers |
Sara Levan Co Chair of Governing Board | Sara Levan is the Director of Jewish Life and a member of the Senior Leadership Team at JCoSS. She has taught in the UK, Japan and Israel as well as working in youth and community developments across the Jewish community. She holds an MA in Counselling and Psychotherapy and also volunteers as a parenting mentor and coach.
Classification: Foundation Governor Term of office: December 2022 to December 2026 Areas of interest: Member of the Curriculum and Safeguarding Committee, Finance and Resources Committee, Admissions Committee. Headteacher Performance Management Pecuniary interests: employee at JCOSS |
Neil Rosen Co Chair of Governing Board | Neil has recently changed roles to concentrate on his property business which enables him to spend more time with his family and his voluntary activities. Neil’s property company, along with over 20 years in business, helps support the school with all aspects of cost savings and efficiency. Neil also takes an active role in the safety and security of the school. Neil lives in Borehamwood and had been a parent at Clore for approx 11 years before his youngest left to start her secondary school journey.
Classification: Co-Chair of Governing Board and Chair of Finance and Resources Committee Term of office: October 2021 to October 2025 Areas of interest: Chair of the Finance and Resources Committee Pecuniary interests: CST volunteer / recommendation of Cryptex to Clore Shalom |
Sasha Rosen
| Sasha Rosen has been a governor at Clore since September 2023. As the Head of Faculty of Jewish/Religious Education and a Lead Practitioner of Teaching and Learning at JCoSS, Sasha has a real interest in helping develop the Teaching and Learning of the school so that all students continue to make progress and thrive whilst at Clore. |
Jo Weir Observer | Classification: Observer |
Governor meeting minutes available on request