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Clore Shalom School

בית ספר קלור שלום

'Engage, Inspire, Achieve.'

Clore Shalom School

Jewish Life and Learning in School

Year 3 Blessings - Things we notice in our day that are a blessing

Shavuot 5783 Display - A Whole School Creation

In assembly at the start of term, we prepared the children to commemorate Yom Hashoah on Monday evening and Tuesday (18 April 2023), by lighting a #yellowcandle. The date of Yom Hashoah in the Jewish calendar is 27th Nisan, which is set to mark the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, which this year took place 80 years ago.


Lit Yellow Candle to mark Yom Hashoah

Yom Hashoah - Holocaust Memorial Day in the Jewish Calendar

Celebrating Pesach

Preparing for Pesach with a taste of Seder at school this week - March 29th and 30th 2023.

Reception enjoyed learning about Tu' Bishvat

Reception have been learning all about The Creation

During Kabbalat Shabbat, Rabbi Neil spoke to us about Simchat Torah and we rolled the Sefer Torah back to the beginning whilst singing our shabbat songs. 

Simchat Torah

To fulfil the mitzvah of celebrating in the Succah, Rabbi Neil has taken each class to visit our school Succah where he has taught the children about the importance and significance of Succot as well as provided them with a snack in order to say the bracha. Those who wanted to, were given the chance to shake the lulav and hold the etrog. A big thank you must go to the Simons family for donating the fruit and vegetables for our Succah and to our school caretaker Paul for building it for us.


We were overwhelmed with the entries for our Succot decorations competition. Thank you to all those families who got involved. It was really tricky for us to choose one from each class. Congratulations to the children below who came and had a treat and received 10 house points. All other entries will receive 5 house points.

Winners - Zachary (Rec), Freddie (Y1), Tilly (Y2), Issy (Y3), Hanna (Y4), Charlie (Y5), Chloe (Y5) and Kyle (Y6)

Congratulations to those who attended celebration tea party during Succot with Mrs Goldsmith and Mrs Lax in the Succah. We enjoyed delicious Succot themed cupcakes!

Succot celebrations

For Yom Kippur in Reception, the children wrote Selichah cards - meaning forgiveness. They looked at the idea of saying sorry for things that they may have done wrong to others.

In year 6, the children have been working on describing their own visions for the future.

Sloane "If it be your will oh g-d, please may everyone be happy and healthy"

Orli "I pray the world will be a peaceful place and there will be no bad behaviour and it is vital that everyone has a roof over their heads and hot food on the table"

Year 6 have also taken on the important roles of Tefillah leaders across the school, supporting children in all classes to say their morning prayers.


We had a wonderful Rosh Hashana Kabbalat Shabbat. 


Each of our children went home with their own little honey cake for Rosh Hashana, the Jewish new year.

Rosh Hashanah in Reception- J.S

Reception enjoyed their own Kabbalat Shabbat today...

Year 4 are learning about the Israelites in the wilderness and this week had a chance to build their part of the camp out of lego and reflect on the challenges of working together and sharing resources.

Abigail "I really love it now Rabbi Neil is teaching us, he makes it fun and I love the singing in the lessons."

Ollie "I really like my JS lessons, Rabbi Neil is so kind and really listens to our answers"