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Clore Shalom School home page

Clore Shalom School

בית ספר קלור שלום

'Engage, Inspire, Achieve.'

Clore Shalom School

Make Your Voice Heard

Make Your Voice Heard


We are committed to listening to hearing all the voices within our community.  There are many ways you can make your voice heard:

  • Say hello in the playground, share your views or ideas if you want a quick conversation.  Your child’s class teacher and a member of SLT is outside every morning and afternoon.
  • Write a comment in one of our rainbow boxes.  Every child can find these in their classroom and there is also a rainbow box on the front desk in the school entrance for everyone to use.
  • Email us –  We will make sure that your email is sent to the right person and that you have a response within 48 hours.
  • Call us on 01923855631.  Our friendly administrators Mrs Weir and Mrs Bean will help you out.
  • Children can have their voices heard by asking their school council reps to raise issues at school council – see information below.
  • Ask to meet us – set up a meeting by calling or emailing into school
  • Raise safeguarding concerns by using the adult or child-friendly route – you will find the right people to speak to under our ‘safeguarding’ information
  • If you need information about applying for free school meals you will find the details under ‘free school meals’ and you can also email Mrs Patel directly at
  • Contact our school governors – you can find out who they are under our ‘governors’ information.  Our parent governors are always happy to listen and help
  • If you feel that your views have not been heard or we have been unable to reach a mutually agreeable solution, please use our complaints policy which you can find here.